Patricia L Oliviera
I am a multimedia professional with nearly 20 years of experience in Brazil, producing various shows for radio and TV.
Alongside my work as a content creator, I developed a second career as a Yoga Instructor, specializing in Kundalini Yoga with a focus on Mind and Meditation and Stress Management. I am also certified by the Yoga Alliance for Children's Yoga. Yoga is a passion that helps me to navigate my days with more tranquility. I have been teaching for a decade. Since moving to San Francisco, five years ago, I have been integrating my teachings into children's lives.​
I decided to create Upside Down Yoga Kids to help a more significant number of families in San Francisco. This work represents each brick of my career and I bring all care and dedication I am happy to serve the community and make a positive impact through my work.​
Warm regards,​
Founder of Upside Down Yoga KIds
Claudia Schirmebeck
She created the visual identity and brand of Upside Down Yoga Kids an she is partner in creations. She is an experient and talent designer and my beloved friend. She currently lives in Brazil, and work at SEBRAE in Brasilia. To be in touch with Claudia her emails is
Nicholas Riegel
​Nick is PHD in Philosophy, Software Engineer and technical consultant on this project. He maintains the website for Upside Down Yoga kids.
Guillherme Kubiszeski
​ Legislative Consultant at Legislative Chamber of Federal District ( Brazil) Holds, a bachelor's and master'r degree in philosofy as well as a doctorate in metaphysics from University of Brasilia. Experienced in educational matters, including teaching and consultancy.
Milla McClain
Hi, I’m Milla McClain! I’m a virtualassistant for Upside Down Yoga Kids,a mom, and a big believer in the powerof yoga and mindfulness for kids.When I’m not helping with the behind-the-scenes magic of this wonderfulbusiness, you’ll find me spending timewith my family, going on walks with mybaby and our furry friends, or learningsomething new.I’m here to help make sure everythingruns smoothly so more kids canexperience the joy of yoga!